Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am definitely back in the swing of normal non-P life.  Work is of course crazy as usual.  Next week will be the busiest of the year.

I only work until 4 on Wednesdays so after work I tried to take advantage of the free afternoon.  For Thanksgiving P is flying in early that morning and we are headed to his Aunt's house in Indiana to meet up with his family.  I of course always have to bring something with. I am going to make a pumpkin cheesecake since I think it will travel well.  And homemade Chex mix.  I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some random stuff and the chex indigents.  Although homemade Chex Mix is WAY yummier, it's also WAY more expensive.  But I guess it's the holidays and what better time to splurge.  I'll post both recipes later this week

P is in the field and we won't be able to talk until maybe Sunday.  It's funny that it's possible to miss him more when he's already gone.  At least I am working everyday except this Saturday until he comes home.

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