Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thankful Thursday

  • I am so thankful for this warm sunny Indian summer.  I love how the colorful leaves look bathed in the sunlight

  • I am thankful that P was so wonderful last night when my stress reared it's ugly head, he let me talk to him about how I ACTUALLY feel.  I love that I can be so honest with him :)

  • I am thankful that our wonderful weekend starts tomorrow!!  There is so much I am so excited for.... seeing him for the first time in two months, meeting his family and friends, just having a ton of fun together in general!  Plus some fun surprises!

  • I am SO thankful I got my work blow dryer back today!!  I dropped it (our little secret) at work 2 weeks ago.  Luckily I buy dryers only from Solano and they have the most amazing custom service/repair policies!  They fixed up good as new plus it's clean :)!! One funny thing on the repair ticket under dryer condition one option is "full of hair" lol!  Luckily that was not check by them on mine.

  • Again this week I am really thankful to my co-workers.  They all are so supportive and understanding that I don't get to see P often.  I have done hair for 6 years and NEVER had holiday time off.  We get blacked out from taking time off from November to the end of December.  They are letting me go see him the middle of November and have the Friday after Thanksgiving off! I am so so grateful and excited!


  1. I just stumbled across your blog. Seeing each other for the first time in 2 months? That's going to feel amazing. I didn't see my husband for 357 days while he was deployed and it was an incredible feeling seeing him for the first time and wrapping my arms around him again. Have fun!

  2. Thanks so much for reading my blog! I bet 1 year apart is really hard! The first hug is forsure the best
