Monday, November 28, 2011

So much to be thankful for

What a great holiday weekend!  P and I had such a great time together with our families over the weekend! I am home sick today with a super nasty cold and almost no voice.

We started of by me picking him up and headed down to Indy.  I loved the car ride down there, so nice to have a few hours alone.  We were able to catch up and just enjoy being close again.  His family was great.  I was able to meet his sister and more extended family from his dads side.  Everyone was really nice and easy to be with.  The food of course was really good.  His aunt made a family bread recipe called Firehouse Bread, it was REALLY yummy.  Of course I ate to many carbs! 

Friday  we went to a great little town in Southern Indiana called Nashville. The drive was so pretty, gorgeous hills and trees.  P's sister rode with us.  It was nice to get time to talk just with her.  We did lots of window shopping with the whole family and took time time on our own.  We went to lunch at a really cute old restaurant.  They served these really yummy fried biscuits with the best apple butter ever!  I could have just had those :).  I picked up a cool Christmas gift for my mom and two handmade clay bowls for myself. 

Saturday we headed back to my mom's for a party she was having.  P and I got some stuff ready for dinner, relaxed from the drive,  and then headed to mass with my mom and Steve.  We both loved the priest, his homily was so good.  I think we were both happy to have gone together.

The party was fun.  There was so much yummy food, talking, and laughing.  P's parents sent us back with a cheesecake they had made, it was a big hit. 

Sunday of course had to come.  I always hate the last day.  It didn't help I woke up with the starts of a nasty cold.  We relaxed and slept in a little.  P had to back his stuff.  Violet sat with him watching him pack and demanding he take breaks to pet her.  We had bunch at my favorite place.  Then went and saw the Muppet's.  It was nice because the theater had movable armrests.  We were able to sit nice and close to enjoy some time being near before he left.  The airport goodbye always sucks.  We only have about 3 weeks until he's back again.

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